Як харчуватися за святковим столом на Великдень?
30 квітня 2021

How to eat at a festive table for Easter?

We have selected for you the advice of nutritionists to help you stay in shape even on holidays:
1. Start with vegetables. Nutritionists explain that they have a low energy density. This will reduce the feeling of hunger, which will protect you from overeating. In addition, fiber will improve digestion.
2. Control the amount of protein and fatty foods. After all, fatty foods, excessive amounts of belts are the cause of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas.
3. Pauses. It is important that the celebration does not become a regular meal. Distract yourself from the table for physical activity. Remember also about the regime - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Easter and boiled eggs are integral attributes of any Easter table. Housewives compete in the art of baking and decorating Easter cakes, the Internet every spring is full of various versions of original Easter eggs.
But how many eggs can you eat at Easter?
The ideal portion is one egg a day, but you can afford three eggs for the holiday. This dose will be the perfect compromise and will not lead to overeating and heaviness in the stomach.
Follow these simple rules and stay healthy!
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